About Me
Why ‘NaviNettie’?
I know I’m not alone when I say, I seek a sense of purpose and a sense of wonder in life. I believe that’s what has led me here to create a blog that calls itself NaviNettie. In this name, Navi is short for navigation. MacMillan Dictionary.com defines navigation as “the skill of choosing a path so that a ship, airplane, or car can go in a particular direction, especially by using maps or instruments.” While the word navigating has wanderlust energy, the journey of life has many parallels. I’d be so bold as to say the definition could also be phrased as ‘the skill of choosing a path so that you go in a particular direction, especially by using resources and community’. As we discover new things, face new challenges and climb new heights physically, we grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually also and vice versa. Sometimes we navigate the new shores of a foreign country and sometimes we are navigating the next steps of life in a world of unknowns. My hope for NaviNettie as a blog is to give people resources and community to use as we all move forward together in this adventure we call life.
About Me
I know I’m not alone when I say, I seek a sense of purpose and a sense of wonder in life. I believe that’s what has led me here to create a blog that calls itself NaviNettie. In this name, Navi is short for navigation. MacMillan Dictionary.com defines navigation as “the skill of choosing a path so that a ship, airplane, or car can go in a particular direction, especially by using maps or instruments.” While the word navigating has wanderlust energy, the journey of life has many parallels. I’d be so bold as to say the definition could also be phrased as ‘the skill of choosing a path so that you go in a particular direction, especially by using resources and community’. As we discover new things, face new challenges and climb new heights physically, we grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually also and vice versa. Sometimes we navigate the new shores of a foreign country and sometimes we are navigating the next steps of life in a world of unknowns. My hope for NaviNettie as a blog is to give people resources and community to use as we all move forward together in this adventure we call life.